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The BizChix Podcast

341: Visibility, Pricing and Knowing Your Audience with Google for Teachers Expert Kasey Bell

Visibility, Pricing and Knowing Your Audience with Google for Teachers Expert Kasey Bell

No matter what your business is, knowing your audience and increasing your visibility on the platforms they frequent is crucial to success. Kasey Bell, former educator turned entrepreneur, has done just that and grown her email list and Twitter following just by leveraging best practices.

Google is the hottest topic in educational technology, and Kasey has capitalized on this to grow her business from a blog to a podcast. She also explains how Twitter became her platform for finding her niche, audience and growing her visibility through a personal learning network, where she now has 60,000 followers!

We also discuss Kasey’s challenges with pricing. When some of her audience challenged her pricing for her courses, what was her mindset around that? How did she stay firm in her pricing? It all boiled down to the value Kasey saw in her own offering of self-paced online courses vs. in person courses.

Find out also how Kasey grew her email list to 64,000 subscribers through careful goal setting and serious lead magnets, and how she’s working to scale her business by hiring a team, and adjusting her goals.

Kasey Bell, founder of Shake Up Learning, is an author with over 12,000 copies sold, international speaker, podcaster and blogger running an online business delivering virtual and in-person trainings to educators.



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