I recently had the opportunity to appear on Getting Social with Sarah, a Facebook Live show hosted by Sarah Frink, CEO and Founder of Real Marketing Solutions, and I’m excited to share my interview with Sarah!
We get into some juicy topics like how I first started out, how I use social media in my business, and the link between my podcast, my email list and Facebook Group. I also share what my group was like when I first launched it and the challenges that came with growing that following.
Sarah and I deconstruct how to generate a large social media impact with a small group of people at live events, like what happened at BizChix Live 2017, and the importance of great content in engaging your audience instead of focusing on likes or number of followers. I also have some tips for connecting with influencers via Instagram.
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Connect With Sarah Frink:
- Free gift from Sarah: Selling on Social–Rules of Engagement
- Real Marketing Solutions
- Blog