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The BizChix Podcast

382: LinkedIn Next Level with Louise Brogan

LinkedIn Next Level with Louise Brogan

With over 645+ million users, LinkedIn takes the crown as the world’s largest professional network. The ability to tap into a pool of potential clients and make connections that can help grow your brand is where the true power of LinkedIn lies.

However, success on LinkedIn is not about building a huge network. If you really want to take your LinkedIn game to the next level, you need to create an effective LinkedIn strategy catered to your business and what you want to get out of the platform.

Whether that’s making meaningful connections with others in your industry, attracting more followers or generating high-quality leads for your business, LinkedIn has the tools to help you accomplish your business goals. If you’re familiar with LinkedIn but would like to learn more about the strategy behind it all, my guest on this episode, Louise Brogan, is here to share a few secrets of the trade to help you make astronomical changes in your business.

This isn’t the first time Louise has been on the podcast. A year ago, she joined me for an on-air coaching session, where we talked about whether or not it was a smart business move to specialize on one platform. 12 months later and her decision to niche down and focus solely on LinkedIn has proved to be one of the best decisions she ever made.

So, if you’re keen to learn how to create a powerful LinkedIn strategy including how to repurpose content and how to get real engagement on the platform, you don’t want to miss this eye-opening conversation with LinkedIn expert and trainer, Louise Brogan!

On this episode, we discuss:

  • How to create an effective LinkedIn strategy
  • Growing your LinkedIn following and get more engagement on your posts
  • How to repurpose content from other platforms and sources on LinkedIn

Bonus Tips!

Louise shared so many amazing LinkedIn tips with us including how to get started with LinkedIn Live. Because LinkedIn Live is still in the initial testing stages, the feature isn’t available to all LinkedIn members. If you want access to the LinkedIn Live feature, you need to apply to become a live video broadcaster via a simple application process.

A great way to gain more followers without actually connecting with anyone is to switch your LinkedIn profile button from ‘connect’ to ‘follow.’

To do this, login to the LinkedIn app on your phone and tap on your profile. Select “Settings & Privacy” and then click on “Followers.” You’ll see a section beneath it that says, “Make follow primary,” and all you have to do is choose “yes” and your profile’s primary button will become “Follow” rather than “Connect.”


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One Response

  1. Very helpful – thanks you two! BTW, you *can* change from ‘connect’ to ‘follow’ in your desktop app: Settings –> Privacy –>Blocking & Hiding –> Followers: choose ‘yes’ to make ‘Follow’ the primary action when readers view your profile. 🙂

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