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Are you holding onto something in your business that is not right for you simply because you already invested significant time, money or energy in it?

Maybe it is a course, coach, software, strategy, client relationship, or an employee. Even though you are not getting the results you want, you are holding on for dear life. 

We see this often with the women entrepreneurs in our community. And I even hear some version of it when women debate whether or not to join us for our group coaching program, $ix Figures Lab. 

Many women tell me they feel guilty about making a new investment because their last one did not pan out. I understand why they feel this way. After all, no one wants to waste money.

But let me ask you — how much is holding on truly costing you? 

In today’s episode, Elizabeth Cook, who is the accountability coach in $ix Figures Lab, and I will talk about Sunk-Cost Fallacy, how it can block your progress, and how to know when to let it go. 

Learn More about working with natalie

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