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The BizChix Podcast

562: Boundaries in Business Series: Communication

How many of your clients have your personal cell phone number? 

Be honest…I’m not judging.

If this method of communication works for you, that’s fine. However, it quickly becomes a problem if your client has an all-access pass to your time, and you feel like you can’t say no, especially to those quick texts after hours and on weekends.

Maybe this communication style worked when you started your business and had only a few clients. Now, it has become overwhelming and intrusive as more and more clients have access to you.  

It will come as no surprise that this is a boundary issue. 

In today’s episode, Elizabeth Cook, who coaches with me in our $ix Figures Lab Group Coaching Program, joins me to discuss how to set communication boundaries to protect your time, your team, and your business.

You will learn the six questions to ask yourself as you create your communication boundaries, how to help your clients transition to a new channel or style of communication, and more practical ideas — I’ll even share how to hire a FREE personal assistant named Natalie, who always has your back and has impeccable boundaries. 

Learn More about working with natalie

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