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461: Retainer Offers – Five Common Mistakes

Retainers provide predictable recurring revenue to your business and allow you to know what you can afford to invest in next. I LOVE the stability retainer offers create for service businesses, but retainers can also cause problems if you don’t structure them correctly, so today I’m covering FIVE common mistakes for you to avoid in […]

460: How We Hired an Executive Assistant

Have you considered hiring an assistant? Or have you hired an assistant and it didn’t work out? So many of our clients in both of our group coaching programs and in our 1:1 mentorship program are hiring an assistant which is honestly one of the most personal and intimate positions you can hire for. Join […]

459: [success] Scaling a Niche Business from Rural Montana with Michelle Patten

It can be terrifying to niche down because it feels so counter-intuitive to narrow who you are targeting. But today’s guest is a great example of how specializing made it so easy for her to get clients and to simplify her visibility and hiring efforts. Michelle Patten is a bookkeeper and business consultant for agriculture […]

458: [mindset] 3 Mindset Issues Blocking Your Growth

Are there some things you know you could do to grow your business, but you are just not doing them? Today let’s get you unstuck and moving forward by learning how to handle fear of judgment, fear of failure, and money mindset issues that may be holding you back. Learn more about working with Natalie […]

457: [productivity] How to Get More Time

What if I could simplify your life and business, and still get you more time, money, and energy?  Today let’s talk about the 80-20 rule: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Listen in as I share how you can apply this simple principle to almost any event you can imagine.  Learn […]

456: [anniversary] Behind The Scenes with Our Coaches

Seven years ago, I never could have imagined that this podcast and this business would be what it is today. And what better way to celebrate this anniversary than by going behind the scenes with your coaches? Listen in as Shelli and I dive into our history together, our own personal backgrounds, and what you […]

455: My Hiring Mistakes

If you have hired before and it did not turn out as well as you expected, I’m here to tell you that your past mistakes should not stop you from hiring again. Today I share five mistakes I’ve personally made while building out my team, and what you can do to make hiring much easier. […]

454: Letting Go of Control as You Grow with Abby Herman

I’m so excited to welcome back our client, Abby Herman, to talk about how her business experienced over 50% growth in the past two years. Abby is a content strategist and coach for business owners who want to gain visibility by using her personalized content strategies and implementation. As she experienced a significant increase in […]

453: Is It Time to Build or Stabilize?

When you first start your business, the focus is on growth, getting new clients, and serving them to your highest ability. But at some point, you will start to notice some bottlenecks that will impede your growth. In this episode, I will help you figure out whether you need to build a bigger business or […]

452: How to Give Yourself a Raise

Think about your goals for 2021.  What are your financial goals for your business? How much do you want to pay yourself in the next 12 months?  I want all of us to get a raise this year, but that only happens with intention. Join me in this episode as we make a plan and […]