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397: The Power of Forgiveness with Brenda Reiss

The Power of Forgiveness with Brenda Reiss

If you are human, then you can likely benefit from learning more about radical forgiveness. Why are we talking about forgiveness on a business podcast? Well, over the last six years, I have had the honor of working one on one or in group programs with hundreds of female entrepreneurs, and what I have learned […]

396: Secrets of High Performing Women [High Performing Women]

High Performing Women: Secrets of High Performing Women

Today we dig into the qualities of High Performing women that I curated while working with 100’s of clients 1/1 over the last 5 years and interviewing 100’s of women for the podcast since 2014 including the most recent eleven in this series. The truth is that anyone can be a high performer, but not […]

393: Selling Local with Reena Philpot [High Performing Women]

High Performing Women: Selling Local with Reena Philpot

We’ve all got our own reasons for starting a business and for the star of this episode of the High Performing Women series, it was about making a living to support her family. Reena Philpot and her husband Earl started their business, Precision Duplicating Solutions Inc, in their home garage 17 years ago. What started […]

391: Scaling to Multiple Locations with Nickie Janes [High Performing Women]

High Performing Women: Scaling to Multiple Locations with Nickie Janes

Have you ever thought about expanding your business to different locations? It can be a big investment financially and emotionally, but when you get it right, there’s nothing else quite like it. If you feel like another town or city could benefit from your business, you owe it them and yourself to try, right? That’s […]