554: How to Get Out of Business Overwhelm
Are you running your business from a state of overwhelm? If so, you will struggle to achieve your goals. How do I know? Because when you are in a state of overwhelm, you cannot see, plan, or act from a place of clarity. Overwhelm happens you have too many requirements on your time and energy. […]
553: Selling In a Recession with Tammy Jones
How do you make sales and keep growing your business during a recession? This is a hot topic of conversation among my clients and the women business owners in the BizChix community. Whether we are officially in a recession or not, the U.S. economy is in a downturn. Naturally, many of you are worried about […]
552: Everyone’s A Mess
Do you ever find yourself playing the comparison game? The one where you scroll through social media and see all of the wins your competition, your business friends or even your mentors are celebrating. And suddenly, you feel like you are falling behind. Sound familiar? Today, I will share why no one wins the comparison […]
551: The Power of Gratitude and Affirmations with Tara Humphrey
On today’s special Thanksgiving episode, we talk with Tara Humphrey, CEO of THC Primary Care, a healthcare consulting firm in London. Tara shares with us the life-changing power of positivity, how she sets goals, and how her daily practice of affirmations changed her mindset, her business, and her life as a whole. Because when we […]
550: Prioritize Conversations Over Content
What if one simple shift in your priorities could decrease your workload and increase your revenue? The simple shift is prioritizing conversations over content. This might surprise you because as entrepreneurs, we are told to produce tons of free content in multiple forms for multiple platforms. Frankly, churning out content for your business can be […]
549: Let it Go
Are you holding onto something in your business that is not right for you simply because you already invested significant time, money or energy in it? Maybe it is a course, coach, software, strategy, client relationship, or an employee. Even though you are not getting the results you want, you are holding on for dear life. We see this […]
548: [leadership] Shifting TIME from Clients to Your Team
What would change in your business and life if you were not the only one who delivered service to your clients? What would be possible? Many of our clients in our signature group coaching program, $ix Figures Lab, want to shift some of their client workload to their team. It is a sign of growth […]
547: [success] Doubling Revenue AND Simplifying Her Business with Cathy Heflin
What if you are confident in your expertise, but you are not sure what to do next in your business? If you are trying all the things and you have hit a growth plateau, this episode is for you. Many of my clients experience a plateau. They have built a solid client base. Yet, they […]
546: Do NOT Hire Interns
It’s a controversial opinion. But for most small business owners, hiring interns is not a good idea. Oftentimes our $ix Figures Lab clients arrive in a state of overwhelm. While it might initially seem easy and cost effective, hiring is a big process. And with interns, you’ll be training someone who will take longer to […]
545: How to Create a Compelling Vision for Your Business
Do you embrace vision casting in your business? Large corporations and organizations use this strategy to smash goals and build their businesses. But, small businesses can also leverage the same processes to create a clear vision for the future of their business so they know where and how to steer the ship. Vision casting is […]