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Have you ever felt ashamed or embarrassed for hiring someone to take care of your children, clean your house, or wash your car? 

Or have you been perhaps on the opposite side and you have questioned someone else’s choices about paying for those services?

Join me and Elizabeth Cook, our Accountability Coach for the $ix Figures Lab, to talk about how women entrepreneurs deal with shame around hiring help.

When you are ready, here are a few ways we can help grow your service business.

  1. 🎧 Subscribe to our weekly podcasts Stacking Your Team and The BizChix Podcast.
  2. ✅ Get support as you hire with Your Next Best Hire course. There are 18 modules that include everything you need to successfully hire your next high-performing team member. Hiring mistakes are expensive and this course will walk you through each step, so you have a process going forward you can replicate.
  3. 📆 Apply now to join $ix Figures Lab our group coaching program for service business owners who want to take home $8-10K per month. This group is ideal for women with sales averaging $3000 or more per month and provides nearly daily access to me, accountability and a community of women who will get you.​
  4. 👉 Register now for the Retainer Roadmap workshop on June 10th!
  5. 📅 Apply now to join Leadership Lab our group coaching program for service business owners who have a team of 5 or more. Get the tools and confidence to become the leader your team needs and a community to support you!

Learn More about working with natalie

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Are you a consultant, marketer or financial professional? Check out our private podcast where I share what it takes to grow your service-based business to six figures in revenue — and ultimately take home six figures in profit. Each episode offers practical insights into how to build an Enduring Business, one that is enjoyable, profitable, and sustainable.
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