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592: How to Trust a Coach Again (after you have been burned)

The hardest thing to rebuild is trust.  For many clients, I am not the first coach they’ve had.  And more often than I’d like, I’ve heard other coaches and programs described as, “feeling like a waste of money,” or that the program was, “too big and you never got time with the lead coach.”    They […]

591: What Should I Do On LinkedIn?

When it comes to social media, it can be an incredibly powerful tool or a drain on your time and your energy. So how can you make social media work for your business and avoid falling down the rabbit hole of your newsfeed?  By joining us for BizChix LinkedIn Bingo! I introduced this to our […]

589: Map Your Agency’s Path to $300,000 in Revenue

You want to grow your business to multi-figures in yearly revenue. But how do you get there? And what steps do you need to take to achieve your goal?  It might seem daunting, but I’ve found the best way to reach your desired financial target is to start with your big picture in mind and […]

588: [success] Positioning Her Brick and Mortar Expertise with Jennifer Kok

I am thrilled to introduce you to my guest today, Jennifer Kok, a consultant and strategist for small brick and mortar businesses.  A recent $ix Figures Lab member, Jennifer came into the program as a skilled entrepreneur, possessing an extensive background in corporate sales, but unsure of who she wanted to serve and what she […]

587: [coaching] What Niche Should HR Consultant Debra Hope Focus On?

Imagine your business a year from now. What if you were able to work less, make more, and serve only your ideal client?   Sounds like a dream, right?  On today’s episode, I am hosting an On-Air Coaching Call with $ix Figures Lab member, Debra Hope, as we find her path to her ideal client and […]

586: The Client Lifecycle

What happens from your client’s perspective after the contract is signed? What is your onboarding process like?  What do you do to stay connected to the client, aside from presenting deliverables?  Are you working to continue your relationship with them in the future – as a renewal with a long term contract or as a […]

585: The One Option Proposal

My friends, what if I told you that you could eliminate the stress and hassle of creating multiple proposals for a client – decreasing your initial leg work and increasing your odds of signing the client? We’ve all been told to offer two or three proposal options and that presenting any more will overwhelm your […]