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The BizChix Podcast

317: [On Air Coaching] How to Feel Worthy to Charge with Danni Hall

Have you ever had trouble charging for your services? Have you had to struggle with raising your prices? Especially in the helping professions, the exchange of money can be awkward and uncomfortable.

Join me as I coach Danni Hall, a member of the BizChix Coop who just opened a new business 4 months ago. Danni doesn’t view her business as rendering a service, but solving a problem, which is why she was struggling with charging for her services. We talk through how she can overcome her deep-seated inner beliefs that her time is not worth anything, and I help her change her mindset. Danni and I role-play different scenarios to help her come up with scripts, checklists and a system to deal with her money mindset issues.



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6 Responses

  1. Oh My Goodness! I was listening to the first 8 mins of this and thought ‘THIS IS ME’ I love what I do and as higher end service often (but actually not as often as I say in my head) ladies can’t afford my services because they’ve just had a baby or about too- I just want to help everyone ❤️

    1. Ashlee – I am so glad it was valuable. You are certainly not alone. If you are not yet in our Facebook group, come join the conversation. Just share your name and email above. You are worthy to charge for your services and your right fit clients will pay for them, happily!

  2. Natalie,
    This was excellent for me! It was hilarious! I learned a lot!
    Thanks for all you do,

  3. I can relate to the struggles Danni Hall described in today’s on-sir coaching session. This was a brilliant episode—I’m going to be listening to this one again!

  4. My favorite episode so far! Danni, you mention that you hope this helps others who might struggle like you do. YEP! That’s me!

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