How much money are you leaving on the table by not following up with your leads? Why is there fortune in the follow-up? On this episode, we’re talking about how crucial it is to follow up with potential and past clients. I share my tips for overcoming fear of rejection and developing a healthy sales mindset, as well as how to create a follow-up system that works for you and I’m sharing the simple template I use to track leads.
Be sure to grab a copy of my Sales Follow-Up Template too!
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Key Takeaways:
- Natalie shares some of her experiences where people have successfully followed up with her.
- Fear of rejection has a part to play in why people don’t follow up or even start the sales process. It is important to overcome that fear by working on your sales mindset.
- A ‘no’ right now can become a ‘yes’ later. Keep that in mind for the next sales cycle.
- Another big missed opportunity is when you don’t get an answer – instead of abandoning that prospect, follow up to get an answer!
- What is Natalie’s follow-up system?
1) Start your day with how you can bring sales into your business.
2) Have a system for tracking leads and where they are in the sales cycle.
3) Keep it simple.
4) Create a visual reminder of your sales goals.
5) Celebrate your wins!
Get access to the free Sales Follow-Up Template
Mentioned in this Episode:
- Template for Sales Follow-Up
- Social Media Marketing World 2018 (I’d be honored if you’d use my affiliate link if you decide to buy a ticket–we make a tiny commission but doesn’t cost you any extra.)
- One Day Mastermind
- Loom
- Trello
- GoogleSheets
- Yesware